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Zajímavé odkazy[upravit | editovat zdroj]
- Kurz statistiky v prostředí Moodle http://moodle.lfhk.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=19
Klíč k zápisu: stat:istitka
- Selecting students for medical school: What predicts success during basic science studies? A cognitive approach
- Correlations between entrance examination, intelligence, and scholastic achievement in a senior high school
Standardizované testy[upravit | editovat zdroj]
MCAT- Medical College Admission Test[upravit | editovat zdroj]
GAMSAT - Graduate Australian Medical School Admissions Test[upravit | editovat zdroj]
- Ve Wikipedii : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GAMSAT
- Na Patonových stránkách: http://www.newmediamedicine.com/forum/gamsat/
- GAMSAT v UK: http://www.gamsatuk.org/
GPA - Grade Point Average[upravit | editovat zdroj]
- GPA kalkulátor http://www.back2college.com/gpa.htm
Literatura k problému validity přijímacích testů[upravit | editovat zdroj]
- Predicting Clinical Performance: Does the Medical College Admission Test Predict Clinical Reasoning Skills? A Longitudinal Study Employing the Medical Council of Canada Clinical Reasoning Examination
- A levels and intelligence as predictors of medical careers in UK doctors: 20 year prospective study
- Factors associated with success in medical school: systematic review of the literature
- Intellectual aptitude tests and A levels for selecting UK school leaver entrants for medical school
- Cognitive and noncognitive factors in predicting the clinical performance of medical school graduates