
Z WikiSkript


       "idx": "20136+",
       "txt_cz": "1. Hlavn\u00ed v\u00fdvod",
       "txt_en": "1. Main excretory duct",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.358369",
               "y_rel": "0.369009"
       "idx": "20136+",
       "txt_cz": "2. Interlobul\u00e1rn\u00ed v\u00fdvod",
       "txt_en": "2. Interlobular duct",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.54204",
               "y_rel": "0.476672"
       "idx": "20136+",
       "txt_cz": "3. Mucin\u00f3zn\u00ed bu\u0148ka",
       "txt_en": "3. Mucous cell",
       "desc_cz": "Bu\u0148ky s velk\u00fdm mno\u017estv\u00edm cytoplasmy s mucinov\u00fdmi granuly, s ov\u00e1ln\u00fdm u baze nap\u0159\u00ed\u010d bu\u0148ky situovan\u00fdm j\u00e1drem s bohat\u00fdm chromatinem. Jsou uspo\u0159\u00e1d\u00e1ny okolo pr\u00e1zdn\u00e9ho lumina. Produkuj\u00ed kysel\u00e9 (barviteln\u00e9 alci\u00e1novou mod\u0159\u00ed a mucikarm\u00ednem) a neutr\u00e1ln\u00ed (PAS+) sialomuciny.\n\n",
       "desc_en": "Cells have abundant cytoplasm with clear mucin containing granul e s and an oval-shaped  transversally located nucleus with rich chromatin , which are arranged around empty lum e n of tubule . They produce acid ic (Alcian blue and mucicarmine  positive) and neutral (PAS+) sialomucins .",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.636409",
               "y_rel": "0.309257"
       "idx": "20136+",
       "txt_cz": "4. Ser\u00f3zn\u00ed lunula",
       "txt_en": "4. Serous demilune",
       "desc_cz": "Ser\u00f3zn\u00ed lunula je ozna\u010den\u00edm tuboalveol\u00e1rn\u00edho sekre\u010dn\u00edho \u00fatvaru, v n\u00edm\u017e; skupina ser\u00f3zn\u00edch bun\u011bk tvo\u0159\u00ed zakon\u010den\u00ed mucin\u00f3zn\u00edho tubulu.",
       "desc_en": "Serous demilune is a term denoting tubuloalveolar secretory formation in which a group of serous cells form the termination of the muc o us tubule .",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.634148",
               "y_rel": "0.324365"
       "idx": "20136+",
       "txt_cz": "Adipocyty",
       "txt_en": "Adipocytes",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.229676",
               "y_rel": "0.561862"
       "idx": "20136+",
       "txt_cz": "Plazmatick\u00e1 bu\u0148ka",
       "txt_en": "Plasma cell",
       "desc_cz": "Plazmatick\u00e1 bu\u0148ka ",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Vik\u010da Peku.rom",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.640003",
               "y_rel": "0.323845"
       "idx": "20136+",
       "txt_cz": "Vrstevnat\u00fd dla\u017edicov\u00fd epitel (spodina dutiny \u00fastn\u00ed)",
       "txt_en": "Stratified squamous epithelium of the terminating oral cavity",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.65347",
               "y_rel": "0.030056"
