
Z WikiSkript


       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Enteroendokrinn\u00ed bu\u0148ka",
       "txt_en": "Enteroendocrine cell",
       "desc_cz": "Enteroendokrinn\u00ed bu\u00f2ky pat\u00f8\u00ed mezi DNES (difuzn\u00ed neuroendokrinn\u00ed syst\u00e9m). Jsou roztroušeny mezi epitelov\u00fdmi bu\u00f2kami. Maj\u00ed sv\u00ectlou cytoplazmu a produkuj\u00ed hormony a cytokiny, nap\u00f8. sekretin, gastrin, somatostatin. Jsou neuroektodermov\u00e9ho p\u00f9vodu.",
       "desc_en": "Enteroendocrine cells are part of DNES (diffuse neuroendocrine system) and are spread among epithelial cells. Their cytoplasm is chromophobe and they produce hormons and cytokines, e.g. secretin, gastrin and somatostatin.",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.922024",
               "y_rel": "0.799427"
       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Gangliov\u00e1 bu\u0148ka",
       "txt_en": "",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.268377",
               "y_rel": "0.417787"
       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Hlavn\u00ed bu\u0148ka",
       "txt_en": "Chief cell",
       "desc_cz": "Hlavn\u00ed bu\u00f2ky žaludku produkuj\u00ed pepsinogen, kter\u00fd je aktivov\u00e1n na pepsin kysel\u00fdm prost\u00f8ed\u00edm v žaludku. D\u00e1le produkuj\u00ed lip\u00e1zu.",
       "desc_en": "Vyskytuj\u00ed se zejm\u00e9na v doln\u00edm \u00faseku žl\u00e1zky - t\u00eclo, dno. Jsou to cylindrick\u00e9 bu\u00f2ky s bazofiln\u00ed cytoplazmou.\n\r\n\n\r\nThe chief cells of gastric produce the pepsinogen, which is activated to pepsin in the stomach by the acidic environment caused by hydrochloric acid. They produce lipase too.\n\r\n\n\r\nCells occuring mostly in lower part of the gland - body, bottom. They are columnar with basofil cytoplasma.",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.82237",
               "y_rel": "0.935865"
       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Kryc\u00ed (pariet\u00e1ln\u00ed) bu\u0148ka",
       "txt_en": "Parietal cell",
       "desc_cz": "Pariet\u00e1ln\u00ed bu\u00f2ky jsou kulovit\u00e9ho až pyramidov\u00e9ho tvaru, maj\u00ed eosinofiln\u00ed cytoplasmu a produkuj\u00ed kyselinu chlorovod\u00edkovou.",
       "desc_en": "The parietal cells have a spherical or pyramidal shape with eosinophilic cytoplasm and produce the hydrochloric acid.",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.853863",
               "y_rel": "0.966689"
       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Lamina epithelialis mucosae",
       "txt_en": "",
       "desc_cz": "Jednovrstevn\u00fd cylindrick\u00fd hlenotvorn\u00fd epitel.",
       "desc_en": "Simple columnar mucin producing epithelium.",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.964687",
               "y_rel": "0.795453"
       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Lamina muscularis mucosae",
       "txt_en": "",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.733871",
               "y_rel": "0.815543"
       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Lamina propria mucosae",
       "txt_en": "",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.835791",
               "y_rel": "0.770929"
       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Lymfatick\u00e1 infiltrace (MALP)",
       "txt_en": "Lymphatic infiltration (MALP)",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.799783",
               "y_rel": "0.87718"
       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Mucin\u00f3zn\u00ed bu\u0148ka kr\u010dku",
       "txt_en": "Mucous neck cell",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.93661",
               "y_rel": "0.913594"
       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Plexus myentericus",
       "txt_en": "",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.277328",
               "y_rel": "0.393108"
       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Plexus submucosus",
       "txt_en": "",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.457798",
               "y_rel": "0.527325"
       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Tunica mucosa",
       "txt_en": "",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.902104",
               "y_rel": "0.941028"
       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Tunica muscularis (cirkul\u00e1rn\u00ed vrstva",
       "txt_en": "circular layer)",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.272182",
               "y_rel": "0.669868"
       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Tunica muscularis (longitudin\u00e1ln\u00ed vrstva",
       "txt_en": "longitudinal layer)",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.182959",
               "y_rel": "0.673119"
       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Tunica muscularis (\u0161ikm\u00e1 vrstva",
       "txt_en": "oblique layer)",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.455619",
               "y_rel": "0.710338"
       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Tunica serosa",
       "txt_en": "",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.132464",
               "y_rel": "0.679126"
       "idx": "20135+",
       "txt_cz": "Tunica submucosa",
       "txt_en": "",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.689709",
               "y_rel": "0.873632"
