Z WikiSkript
{ "idx": "20121+", "txt_cz": "Arterie", "txt_en": "Artery", "desc_cz": "", "desc_en": "", "insert_who": "Gurka", "marks": [ { "shape": "arrow", "ori": "down", "color": "green", "size": "small", "x_rel": "0.430667", "y_rel": "0.439462" } ] }, { "idx": "20121+", "txt_cz": "Axon", "txt_en": "", "desc_cz": "", "desc_en": "", "insert_who": "Gurka", "marks": [ { "shape": "arrow", "ori": "down", "color": "green", "size": "small", "x_rel": "0.829785", "y_rel": "0.30381" } ] }, { "idx": "20121+", "txt_cz": "Endoneurium", "txt_en": "", "desc_cz": "Velmi \u00f8\u00eddk\u00e9 kolagenn\u00ed vazivo obaluj\u00edc\u00ed myelinizovan\u00e9 axony. Fibroblasty p\u00f8il\u00e9haj\u00edc\u00ed ke Schwannov\u00fdm bu\u00f2kam vytv\u00e1\u00f8eji tzv. Henleho pochvu.", "desc_en": "Very l oose CT among myelinated axons in primary nerve bundle . Fibroblasts adjacent to the Schwann cells form the so-called Henle\u00b4s sheath.", "insert_who": "Gurka", "marks": [ { "shape": "arrow", "ori": "down", "color": "green", "size": "small", "x_rel": "0.410717", "y_rel": "0.582775" } ] }, { "idx": "20121+", "txt_cz": "Epineurium", "txt_en": "", "desc_cz": "", "desc_en": "", "insert_who": "Gurka", "marks": [ { "shape": "arrow", "ori": "down", "color": "green", "size": "small", "x_rel": "0.932362", "y_rel": "0.305817" } ] }, { "idx": "20121+", "txt_cz": "Fascicullus nervi primarius", "txt_en": "", "desc_cz": "Nervov\u00fd svazek primarius je \u00e8\u00e1st\u00ed perifern\u00edho nervu nervu a je obalen vazivov\u00fdm perineuriem, z n\u00echož mezi jednotliv\u00e1 myulinizovan\u00e1 nervov\u00e1 vl\u00e1kna vyb\u00edh\u00e1 endoneurium.", "desc_en": "Primary n erve fascicle i s part of the peripheral nerve , s urrounded by perinerium consisting of collagen connetive tissue, from which spre a ds into a bundle of loose connective tissue as an endoneurium.", "insert_who": "Gurka", "marks": [ { "shape": "arrow", "ori": "down", "color": "green", "size": "small", "x_rel": "0.40752", "y_rel": "0.501338" } ] }, { "idx": "20121+", "txt_cz": "Krevn\u00ed kapil\u00e1ra s erytrocyty", "txt_en": "Blood capillary with erythrocytes", "desc_cz": "", "desc_en": "", "insert_who": "Gurka", "marks": [ { "shape": "arrow", "ori": "down", "color": "green", "size": "small", "x_rel": "0.376854", "y_rel": "0.635779" } ] }, { "idx": "20121+", "txt_cz": "Luxolov\u00e1 mod\u0159", "txt_en": "Luxol blue staining", "desc_cz": "Barven\u00ed luxulovou mod\u00f8\u00ed slouž\u00ed ke zn\u00e1zorn\u00ecn\u00ed myelinov\u00fdch pochev. Myelinov\u00e9 pochvy (kombinovan\u00e9 fosfolipidy) jsou zn\u00e1zorn\u00ecny modrozelen\u00ec, j\u00e1dra jsou dobarvena HE. Vzhledem k obsahu fosfolipid\u00f9 v cytoplazmatick\u00fdch membr\u00e1n\u00e1ch jsou dob\u00f8e vid\u00ect jejich šikm\u00e9 pr\u00f9\u00f8ezy, nap\u00f8. u motoneuron\u00f9 p\u00f8edn\u00edch sloupc\u00f9.", "desc_en": "Lux ol blue staining is used to demostrate the myelin sheaths . Myelin sheaths ( mixed phospholipids) are shown in blue-green colour and nuclei are counter stained with HE . Due to the content of phospholipids in the cytoplasmic membranes , their oblique sections are well seen, e.g. in motor neurons of anterior columns.", "insert_who": "Gurka", "marks": [ { "shape": "arrow", "ori": "down", "color": "green", "size": "small", "x_rel": "0.769121", "y_rel": "0.060995" } ] }, { "idx": "20121+", "txt_cz": "Myelinov\u00e1 pochva", "txt_en": "Myelin sheath", "desc_cz": "", "desc_en": "", "insert_who": "Gurka", "marks": [ { "shape": "arrow", "ori": "down", "color": "green", "size": "small", "x_rel": "0.828337", "y_rel": "0.304355" } ] }, { "idx": "20121+", "txt_cz": "Perineurium", "txt_en": "", "desc_cz": "", "desc_en": "", "insert_who": "Gurka", "marks": [ { "shape": "arrow", "ori": "down", "color": "green", "size": "small", "x_rel": "0.513083", "y_rel": "0.631628" } ] }, { "idx": "20121+", "txt_cz": "Schwannovy bu\u0148ky", "txt_en": "Schwann cells", "desc_cz": "", "desc_en": "", "insert_who": "Gurka", "marks": [ { "shape": "arrow", "ori": "down", "color": "green", "size": "small", "x_rel": "0.43268", "y_rel": "0.662029" } ] }, { "idx": "20121+", "txt_cz": "V\u00e9na", "txt_en": "Vein", "desc_cz": "", "desc_en": "", "insert_who": "Gurka", "marks": [ { "shape": "arrow", "ori": "down", "color": "green", "size": "small", "x_rel": "0.465272", "y_rel": "0.481945" } ] }