
Z WikiSkript


       "idx": "20081+",
       "txt_cz": "1.1Aorta",
       "txt_en": "Aorta",
       "desc_cz": "Pat\u0159\u00ed do skupiny elastick\u00fdch arteri\u00ed (spole\u010dn\u011b s truncus pulmonalis). Nejn\u00e1padn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed znak t\u011bchto arteri\u00ed je siln\u00e1 tunica media ve kter\u00e9 se st\u0159\u00eddaj\u00ed fenestrovan\u00e9 elastick\u00e9 blanky a vrstvy bun\u011bk hladk\u00e9 svaloviny. ",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "IvaG"
       "idx": "20081+",
       "txt_cz": "1.Tunica intima",
       "txt_en": "Tunica intima",
       "desc_cz": "Dob\u0159e vyvinut\u00e1, obsahuje endotel a subendotelov\u00e1 vrstvu\nEndotel (odd\u011bleno \u017elut\u011b) - ploch\u00e9, polygon\u00e1ln\u00ed, prot\u00e1hl\u00e9 bu\u0148ky funguj\u00edc\u00ed jako polopropustn\u00e1 bari\u00e9ra mezi krv\u00ed a interstici\u00e1ln\u00ed tk\u00e1\u0148ovou tekutinou\nSubendotelov\u00e1 vrstva (odd\u011bleno \u010derven\u011b)- \u0159\u00eddk\u00e9 kolagenn\u00ed vazivo s bu\u0148kami hladk\u00e9 svaloviny\n",
       "desc_en": "The tunica intima is the innermost layer of the aorta. It consists of two main components: endothelium and subendothelial layer.\n\n\n\n Endothelium is an ultimately squamous cell layer, which is sitting on the basement membrane and the cells are elongated parallely to the axis of aorta. \n\nThe subendothelial layer consists of connective tissue wih more numerous elastic fibers.\n\nwe can see the spiral pattern of smooth muscle cells in  subendothelial layer, and also obliquelly arranged smooth muscle cells can be noticed.",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
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       "idx": "20081+",
       "txt_cz": "2.Tunica media",
       "txt_en": "Tunica media",
       "desc_cz": "Tuto vrstvu tvo\u0159\u00ed kompaktn\u011b seskupen\u00e9 bu\u0148ky hladk\u00e9 svaloviny (cirkul\u00e1rn\u011b), kter\u00e9 produkuj\u00ed vl\u00e1knitou slo\u017eku mezibun\u011b\u010dn\u00e9 hmoty endomysia (retikul\u00e1rn\u00ed a elastick\u00e1 vl\u00e1kna). Druhou komponentou je syst\u00e9m a\u017e 50 fenestrovan\u00fdch elastick\u00fdch membr\u00e1n.\n",
       "desc_en": "Tunica media is the middle layer of the aorta. It coomposed of a thick layer of circularly arranged smooth muscle cells accompanied by system of about 50 elastic fibers (fenestrated membranae ) and connective tissue of endomysium.",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
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       "idx": "20081+",
       "txt_cz": "21. Fenestrovan\u00e9 elastick\u00e9 membr\u00e1ny",
       "txt_en": "Fenestrated elastic membranes",
       "desc_cz": "Viditeln\u00e9 jako m\u00edsta v tunica media zn\u00e1zor\u0148uj\u00ed nezbarven\u00e9 elastick\u00e9 membr\u00e1ny. Jsou zvl\u00e1\u0161tn\u00ed formou organizace elastinu a skrze jejich otvory prostupuj\u00ed bu\u0148ky hladk\u00e9ho svalu v vnit\u0159n\u00edch do zevn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed syst\u00e9m\u016f (v\u00fdznamn\u00e9 pro p\u0159enos impulz\u016f pro koordinovanou kontrakci).",
       "desc_en": "Fenestrated elastic membrane is a special form of elastin organization, having principally an unulating composition, this is seen as\n\nw hite spaces in tunica media indicate unstained elastic membrane s, due to their hydrophobicity. Through the openings are penetrating smooth muscle cells from the inner to more outer systems.",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
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       "idx": "20081+",
       "txt_cz": "3. Tunica adventitia (externa)",
       "txt_en": " Tunica adventitia (externa)",
       "desc_cz": "Vazivov\u00e1 vrstva, hlavn\u00ed slo\u017ekou jsou elastick\u00e1 a kolagenn\u00ed vl\u00e1kna. Je to vrstva, kter\u00e1 pokra\u010duje a navazuje na stroma org\u00e1n\u016f, kter\u00fdmi c\u00e9va proch\u00e1z\u00ed. Obsahuje d\u00e1le vasa vasorum a nervov\u00e9 pleten\u011b.",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
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       "idx": "20081+",
       "txt_cz": "Bundle of nerve fibers",
       "txt_en": "",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
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       "idx": "20081+",
       "txt_cz": "Paraaort\u00e1ln\u00ed lymfatick\u00e1 uzlina",
       "txt_en": "Paraortic lymph node",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
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       "idx": "20081+",
       "txt_cz": "V\u011btven\u00ed arterie",
       "txt_en": "Branching artery",
       "desc_cz": "Na prepar\u00e1tu zachycen odstup jedn\u00e9 z v\u011btv\u00ed aorty.",
       "desc_en": "A branching artery from the a orta .",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
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