
Z WikiSkript


       "idx": "20047+",
       "txt_cz": "1. Ser\u00f3zn\u00ed acinus",
       "txt_en": "1. Serous acinus",
       "desc_cz": "Ser\u00f3zn\u00ed acinus je tvo\u0159en ser\u00f3zn\u00edmi bu\u0148kami. Do \u00fazk\u00e9ho lumina zasahuj\u00ed bu\u0148ky vsunut\u00fdch v\u00fdvod\u016f.",
       "desc_en": "Acinus composed of serous cells. Narrowed lumen extends towards cells of intercalated duct.",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.385177",
               "y_rel": "0.643894"
       "idx": "20047+",
       "txt_cz": "1.1. Ser\u00f3zn\u00ed bu\u0148ka",
       "txt_en": "1.1. Serous cell",
       "desc_cz": "Ser\u00f3zn\u00ed bu\u0148ka je bu\u0148ka pyramidov\u00e9ho tvaru s baz\u00e1ln\u011b um\u00edst\u011bn\u00fdm kulat\u00fdm j\u00e1drem (se zrnit\u00fdm chromatinem a v\u00fdrazn\u00fdm jad\u00e9rkem) a bazofiln\u00ed cytoplazmou. Sekre\u010dn\u00ed granula obsahuj\u00ed enzymov\u00e9 proteiny.",
       "desc_en": "Serous cell: Pyramidal shape, basally located round nucleus (finely granular heterochromatin and distinct nucleolus). Basophilic cytoplasm with secretory granules containing enzyme proteins.",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.384962",
               "y_rel": "0.646082"
       "idx": "20047+",
       "txt_cz": "Bu\u0148ka myoepitelu",
       "txt_en": "Myoepithelial cell",
       "desc_cz": "Myoepitelov\u00e9 bu\u0148ky jsou ploch\u00e9 a\u017e v\u0159etenovit\u00e9. Vsouvaj\u00ed se mezi ser\u00f3zn\u00ed bu\u0148ky a lamina basalis a svou kontrakc\u00ed podporuj\u00ed vypuzen\u00ed sekretu.",
       "desc_en": "Myoepithelial cells are intercalated among serous cells and their contractile activity supports release of secretion.",
       "insert_who": "Tereza Bohanesov\u00e1",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.376468",
               "y_rel": "0.642588"
       "idx": "20047+",
       "txt_cz": "Intralobul\u00e1rn\u00ed v\u00fdvod",
       "txt_en": "Intralobular duct",
       "desc_cz": "\u017d\u00edhan\u00fd v\u00fdvod p\u0159ech\u00e1z\u00ed v intralobul\u00e1rn\u00ed v\u00fdvod. Lze je rozli\u0161it podle tvaru jader, kter\u00e1 u intralobul\u00e1rn\u00edho v\u00fdvodu nab\u00fdvaj\u00ed ov\u00e1ln\u00e9ho tvaru.",
       "desc_en": "A striated duct confluent  with  the int ra lobular duct. This can be distinguished by more oval shaped nuclei.",
       "insert_who": "Tereza Bohanesov\u00e1",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.672154",
               "y_rel": "0.538743"
       "idx": "20047+",
       "txt_cz": "Ostatn\u00ed ",
       "txt_en": "Others",
       "desc_cz": "Kapil\u00e1ra (\u010derven\u011b)\nNerv (zelen\u011b)\nPlazmatick\u00e1 bu\u0148ka (\u0161ed\u011b)\nV\u00e9na (\u010dern\u011b)",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "red",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.437397",
               "y_rel": "0.588668"
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.160455",
               "y_rel": "0.504143"
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "gray",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.354575",
               "y_rel": "0.63699"
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "black",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.427208",
               "y_rel": "0.631766"
       "idx": "20047+",
       "txt_cz": "Unilokul\u00e1rn\u00ed adipocyt",
       "txt_en": "Adipocyte",
       "desc_cz": "Adipocyty (b\u00edl\u00e9 tukov\u00e9 tk\u00e1n\u011b) jsou specializov\u00e1ny na dlouhodob\u011bj\u0161\u00ed uchov\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed energetick\u00fdch z\u00e1sob. Tyto bu\u0148ky maj\u00ed rozm\u011br mezi 50 a 150 \u03bcm a obsahuj\u00ed 1 velkou kap\u00e9nku tuku, kter\u00e1 vypl\u0148uje t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 celou bu\u0148ku (proto jsou tyto bu\u0148ky ozna\u010dovan\u00e9 jako unilokul\u00e1rn\u00ed). Tato tukov\u00e1 kap\u00e9nka z\u00e1rove\u0148 oplo\u0161\u0165uje a vytla\u010duje j\u00e1dro oproti bun\u011b\u010dn\u00e9 membr\u00e1n\u011b. V\u011bt\u0161ina organel se rovn\u011b\u017e nach\u00e1z\u00ed v bl\u00edzkosti j\u00e1dra.",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.48824",
               "y_rel": "0.476657"
       "idx": "20047+",
       "txt_cz": "Vsunut\u00fd v\u00fdvod",
       "txt_en": "Intercalated duct",
       "desc_cz": "Bu\u0148ky jsou ploch\u00e9 a\u017e kubick\u00e9. Ve vsunut\u00fdch v\u00fdvodech se tak\u00e9 nach\u00e1zej\u00ed rezervn\u00ed bu\u0148ky, kter\u00e9 slou\u017e\u00ed k regeneraci epitelu acin\u016f a syst\u00e9mu v\u00fdvod\u016f.",
       "desc_en": "Cells are flattened or cuboidal . Intercalated ducts contain reserve cells , which regenerate acinar and duct epithelium .",
       "insert_who": "Tereza Bohanesov\u00e1",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.378072",
               "y_rel": "0.627825"
       "idx": "20047+",
       "txt_cz": "\u017d\u00edhan\u00fd v\u00fdvod",
       "txt_en": "Striated ducts",
       "desc_cz": "\u017d\u00edhan\u00fd v\u00fdvod je vystl\u00e1n pyramidov\u00fdmi bu\u0148kami s kulat\u00fdmi j\u00e1dry uprost\u0159ed v\u00fd\u0161ky bu\u0148ky. Cytoplazma je eosinofiln\u00ed s patrn\u00fdm radi\u00e1ln\u00edm \u017e\u00edh\u00e1n\u00edm p\u0159i bazi (mitochondrie, invaginace plazmalemy - baz\u00e1ln\u00ed labyrint).",
       "desc_en": "Striated duct is lined by pyramidal cells with rounded nuclei, located in the middle part of the cell, and eos i nophilic cytoplasm with radial striation at the basal portion (due to mitochondria and plasmalemma invaginations - basal labyrinth).",
       "insert_who": "Tereza Bohanesov\u00e1",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.357794",
               "y_rel": "0.631953"
